valknut compile problem from cvs.
navaladi a
2006-08-08 20:00:37 UTC
Hi all,i got cvs version of valknut from http://dcgui.berlios.de/cvs.php.
And followed the installation procedure.
compile of dclib and libtool went well.
Here is problem comes for valnut configure.

debian:/home/masternode/valknut# ./configure


checking for dclib... no
configure: error: DCLIB must be installed. Use --with-libdc=<path> to
set correct path.

I also tryied passing --with-libdc=../dclib.
and passing --with-libdc=../dclib/dclib

every step is failed.
pls help on this.
"It does not matter what your computer can do;But what you can do with computer"
navaladi a
2006-08-08 20:11:46 UTC
I followed the manual also.

#cd dclib
#./configure --prefix=/tmp/dcguibuild --disable-shared

and passing this /tmp/dcguibuild to --with-libdc=/tmp/dcguibuild
Still i m getting error.how to solve.
Anders Hasselqvist
2006-08-10 10:56:18 UTC
Post by navaladi a
and passing this /tmp/dcguibuild to --with-libdc=/tmp/dcguibuild
Still i m getting error.how to solve.
As far as I know Valknut is no longer being developed.
The CVS has been in an unbuildable state a long long time.

It's better to try something like linux dc++ instead

Anders Hasselqvist
hassel <at> acc.umu.se